Monday, December 12, 2011

Pastor Smith's Exhortation 11/9

My Pastor sends out a weekly email to all of our members.  At the end of each email, he gives an exhortation for the week.  I have been to make sure that it was OK with him that I share these exhortations, since they are such a blessing to me.  I just remembered to do that.  I'll be sending out more than one a week to try and "catch up," as it were, and then it should be weekly from there.  I hope that these encourage you as they have me.

"Thinking more about what we learned yesterday, marriage is a good gift of God intended for the joy of those married as well as the fulfillment of the mission given to us in Christ. We are, in our marriages, witnesses of the redeeming power of God who puts our lives back together the way he intended and will do completely in the future. In our marriages we are in, what I believe Luther called, "a school of love." Here we learn how to really love one another; bearing with the weaknesses of one another, encouraging when discouraged, lovingly correcting when correction needs to take place, learning to honor and respect one another. As we love one another in our marriages, like our Triune God himself, our love "spills over" to others outside of our families, bringing them in and teaching us how to love "outsiders." Continue, therefore, to persevere in working on your marriages for the glory of Christ and the advancement of his kingdom."

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