Friday, February 3, 2012

A Dream Deferred? A post for single ladies and married ladies who feel cheated

      I was talking yesterday with a friend about how very much the Christian culture tends to not realize how very much we are influenced by the culture of the world around us.  We see this in various ways.  Christian parents let their kids date (more on this later) & date non-christian kids.  We put our kids on the big yellow bus when they are 5.  We sign them,and ourselves, up for umpteen activities, leaving little family time.  We buy them the latest and the greatest gizmos,gadgets,apps,and movies, letting them keep up with pop culture and idolize its heroes.  Now, am I saying that these are all sinful? No.  Am I saying that we should withdrawal our families from society, at large, and only allow them to interact with like-minded families? No.  Am I saying that we, in general, have tended to stop evaluating many of the choices we make for ourselves and our families based on biblical sources and more on what our friends, neighbors, and "the culture" at large are doing? Yes.
     As Christians, our choices matter. As the author of this article wisely quotes,But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness." Romans 6:17-18 (NASB). We are slaves to righteousness.  We lay ourselves at the foot of the cross.  We die to ourselves - not as some martyr, because the death is not the end of the story.  The life on the other side is richer, fuller, and more amazing than we could have ever imagined or chosen for ourselves.

     This article is directed toward single christian young women, but I find it much more far-reaching than that.  It's for parents, daughters, sons, wives, maybe especially wives who have been fed the lie that being at home is "not living up to your potential" or that "you deserve more and so do your girls".
     Anyway, have a read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. A dream deferred.

1 comment:

  1. "I am further convinced that Christian young people (young women in particular) have believed the lie that we have been fed that tells us that the only way to realize our ambitions is to cast aside the sacred calling of our home "

    I love that.

    I wish that that could be said to young women today from the rooftops. That it is an honor to stay at home, and if you posture yourself before Him, that He may just lay that path down for you. I never could've imagined being a full time mom, but now, there does't seem to be any other option for me, and that's exactly how its supposed to be, or at least until God calls me another way....

    Thanks for sharing Jennifer, lets do it again soon!
