Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Make it yourself - hummus

For taste, cost, and nutrition, you can't beat beans. I am a big fan of chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans. I am especially fond of hummus. It is wonderful with pita chips, vegetables, or as a wrap spread. Now, if you've only ever eaten store bought hummus, you are missing out! Try this homemade hummus and you'll never look back!
Now, I will admit that #1 - I totally eyeball this when I make it, so , again, play around with this recipe to suit your tastes; #2 - We LOVE garlic around here, like the white hot love of a thousand suns love, adjust the garlic as needed!

1/2 lb chickpeas, soaked and cooked according to package directions.
1/4-1/2c olive oil
1/4c lemon juice
3 garlic cloves
2 Tbsp tahini (sour cream is an acceptable substitute)
1 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp cumin
Salt to taste

Place half of the beans, and all of the oil and lemon juice into a blender.(A food processor would work better here, bit I don't have one, so blender it is!) Process on the 'chop' setting until smooth. Add the rest of the beans and the remaining ingredients and process until smooth. (You may need to add a little water to truly get it smooth) Enjoy!

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